Detail overview Socata TB-20

PH-MLK  s/n: 2036
          previous F-OILQ;
   -06-2018         operation taken from Martinair Flight Academy;
    09-08-2021   last flight. More then 10.000 hours and no intensive overhaul. Stored for parts;
 with a delay registered to KLM Luchtvaartschool bv;
 still present and stored.
PH-MLL  s/n: 2038
 previous F-OILR;
       -06-2018  operation taken from Martinair Flight Academy;
   01-08-2022  with a delay registered to KLM Luchtvaartschool bv;
 still present and in operation.
 PH-MLY   s/n: 1711
 previous D-EWVZ;
    20-07-2021  registered as PH-MLY to KLM Luchtvaartschool bv;
 still present and in operation.
PH-MLZ  s/n: 1469
 previous F-OHDB en I-OHDB;
    08-10-2019  registered as PH-MLZ to KLM Luchtvaartschool bv;
 still present and in operation.